The actual debt: At the beginning of december 2009 it was $73 trillion.

The Fall Of The Republic - 2010


Impeach Obama 2012! Join the National Campaign.

Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record


2011 This Is What Recovery Looks Like

Obama's Spending Lie! 1st August.2011

Peggy Noonan on why Obama is a 'loser' [NBC 7-29-2011]

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The secret of Mr. Obama is that he isn't really very good at politics, and he isn't good at politics because he doesn't really get people.... Mr. Obama seemed brilliant at politics when he first emerged in 2004. He understood the nation's longing for unity. We're not divided into red states and blue, he said, we're Big Purple, we can solve our problems together. Four years later he read the lay of the land perfectly—really, perfectly.... The fact is, he's good at dismantling. He's good at critiquing. He's good at not being the last guy, the one you didn't like. But he's not good at building, creating, calling into being. He was good at summoning hope, but he's not good at directing it and turning it into something concrete that answers a broad public desire. And so his failures in the debt ceiling fight. He wasn't serious, he was only shrewd—and shrewdness wasn't enough. He demagogued the issue—no Social Security checks—until he was called out, and then went on the hustings spouting inanities. He left conservatives scratching their heads: They could have made a better, more moving case for the liberal ideal as translated into the modern moment, than he did. He never offered a plan. In a crisis he was merely sly. And no one likes sly, no one respects it. So he is losing a battle in which he had superior forces—the presidency, the U.S. Senate. In the process he revealed that his foes have given him too much mystique. He is not a devil, an alien, a socialist. He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser. Peggy Noonan

" The President thinks its all about him" July 29th 2011

The LIES of Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate! Many Questions Brought Up!

Can you say Impeachment...

NOW...Is It Time To IMPEACH Barack Obama?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama's Spending Freeze

Is this a joke? Obama has tried to make a 'change' to the deficit, but its just not enough. It will only effect 12.5% of spending saving $250Billion over 10 years, are you kidding me? Thats like deciding to by only one bomber plane instead of two, but this isn't a cut back in spending of defence - its a drop in the bucket for solving the USA major issue for its survival. The ACTUAL debt is now over 100 TRILLION many are saying- its certainly not just 12 trillion. The USA debt is more than the world makes in a year.We are in serious times, when will those in charge take the issue seriously?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama uses a teleprompter to speak to 6th graders??

I know Obama finds comfort in correctly proclaiming his magnanomous speaches using a telprompter but this is absolutely over the top. What is the difficulty in speaking from his heart and following a brief summary or point form written speech? Its almost like the ones that oversee him don't want him to be unhooked from their veins! He must say only what they tell him to say!He must be plugged in.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama wants to get burgers!

What can I say but THAT is change I can truelly believe in!The Obama
supporters must be so proud.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Obama Orders US Troops To Prepare for Civil War

Written November 28th , 2009
Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to “begin immediately” increasing his military forces to by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
If Obama signs our sovereignty and freedom away and brings foreign troops to suppress our freedom will you fight back?
According to these reports, Obama has had over these past weeks “numerous” meetings with his war council about how best to manage the expected implosion of his Nations banking system while at the same time attempting to keep the United States military hegemony over the World in what Russian Military Analysts state is a “last ditch gambit” whose success is “far from certain”.
And to Obama’s “last ditch gambit”, these reports continue, he is to announce in a nationwide address to his people this coming week that he is going to expand the level of US Military Forces in Afghanistan by tens of thousands of troops, while at the same time using the deployment of these soldiers as a “cover” for returning to the United States over 200,000 additional American soldiers from the over 800 bases in over 39 countries they have stationed around the Globe bringing the level of these forces in America to over 1 million, a number the US Military believes will be able to contain the “explosion of violence” expected to roil these peoples when they learn their economy has been bankrupted.
These reports further state that at the same time Obama will be attempting to keep his Nation from violent disintegration, the tens of thousands of additional troops he will send to Afghanistan are to be ordered to Kandahar where the Americans and their NATO allies will begin their final attempt to secure their TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) pipeline, which without the Western Nations, due to their grave lack of alternative energy resources, and being cut off from these vast Central Asian supplies (which both Russia and China are seeking to insure), are warned will totally collapse.
Making the American’s (and by extension the West’s) situation even worse are new reports coming from the International Energy Agency stating that “under pressure” from the US government they have been “deliberately underplaying” a looming Global oil shortage for fear of triggering panic buying and raising the Americans fear over the end of oil supremacy because it would threaten their power over access to our World’s last remaining oil resources.
To the scariest “end game” maneuvers being made by Obama, in his attempt to protect Americas Global hegemony, is his record shattering move in plunging the United States $3.5 Trillion further into debt, and which raises the total amount owed by the United States, to its citizens and the World, to the unprecedented height of over $106 Trillion.
So alarming has Obama’s actions become (especially since they are being imitated by all of the Western powers) that the managing-director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warned this past week that the “stimulus actions” of the West (which in essence is nothing more than the printing of money with nothing to back it up) has now become a “threat to democracy” as millions of people are expected to erupt in violence against their governments over the theft of their money and their futures.
Most unfortunately for the American people though is that this IMF warning fell on “deaf ears” in the United States with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President, James Bullard, saying this week that the US would continue its “stimulus actions” because they “would give more flexibility to US policymakers”, a most absurd statement especially when viewed in the light of the unprecedented debt payments currently looming over the American economy they have no ability whatsoever to pay.
To the ability of the West’s banking giants to save their Nation’s economies, even worse news came this week with the US ratings giant Standards & Poors issuing a warning that “every single bank in Japan, the US, Germany, Spain, and Italy included in S&P’s list of 45 Global lenders remain unsafe”, a warning which then lead to one of Europe’s largest banks, Société Générale, warning its clients to prepare for a “total Global Economic Collapse”.
To the fears of Obama over the United States erupting into civil war once the full extent of the rape and pillaging of these peoples by their banks and government becomes known to them, grim evidence now shows the likelihood of this occurring much sooner than later, especially in new poll figures showing that Obama’s approval rating among white Americans has now fallen to 39%. A number made more significant when one realizes that the white population of the United States comprises 74% of their estimated 398 million citizens, or put more ominously in these reports as “over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode”.
And so fearful has the white population of the United States become that upon the election of Obama to the Presidency he was named as the “Gun Salesman of the Year” by the Outdoor Wire, the US’s largest daily electronic news service for the outdoor industry, who report “panic buying” of weapons and ammunition by those fearful of the destruction of their country at the hands of man they believe is not even an American citizen and had been foisted upon them by their elite classes seeking to enslave them.
Though the coming civil war in the United States is being virtually ignored by their propaganda media, the same cannot be said of Russia, where leading Russian political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the US is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts.
Professor Igor Panarin further stated in his warning that “the US Dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.”
What remains to be seen, and these reports do not speculate upon, is if the citizen-soldiers of the United States will fire upon and kill their fellow countrymen during the coming conflict, but if history is to be our guide clearly shows this will be the case as the once great American Nation continues its headlong plunge into the abyss of history. May God have mercy upon all of them.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Case For Impeachment of President Barack Obama

January 11, 2010

No American patriot contemplates the prospect of impeaching the President of the United States lightly. Thus, despite the fact that President Barack Obama has for months been openly proposing and campaigning for a health care policy which is modeled directly on that of the Hitler regime, and which will lead, if implemented, to the kinds of genocidal results for which that regime, and many of its adherents, were condemned for Crimes Against Humanity after World War II, patriot Lyndon LaRouche has refrained up to this time from calling for him to be impeached. Back in late July, LaRouche declared that the President was "impeachable" for his Nazi health care "reform." The President, and those with the potential to bring him under control, failed to listen, or change course. Instead, we are at the very threshold of the President and his henchman ramming through this same Nazi plan, which would serve as a giant step toward a genocidal dictatorship. Now, as LaRouche's Jan. 6 statement argues, impeachment must be put squarely on the table.
Under the U.S. Constitutional system, the purpose of impeachment is the protection of the nation, by removing from high office a Federal official who is causing grave injury to the nation, its people, and its Constitution. Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding; its purpose is not to punish a wrongdoer, but to prevent him or her from doing further, irreparable harm to the country. The question of prosecution, or imprisonment, comes later—if at all.
The U.S. Constitution sets a high standard for bringing a bill of impeachment against a high public official. The grounds are restricted to "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." The clear intent, as a review of the discussions by the Founders at the Constitutional convention indicates, was to target crimes against the Constitutional order. The bills of impeachment against President Richard Nixon put it well, when they declared, in each count, that "In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States."
President Obama's crimes dwarf those of Richard Nixon. Public evidence alone demonstrates that he is leading a conspiracy to subvert constitutional government, and to impose measures which would result in mass death of Americans, and the destruction of the nation. His high crimes and misdemeanors, as elaborated below, include actions which amount to a conspiracy to commit Crimes Against Humanity which will predictably result in murder or other atrocities, offenses or inhumane acts against the civilian population of the United States; actions which would lead to the imposition of genocide against civilian populations in other parts of the world; and actions would lead to the elimination of the sovereignty of the United States, by submitting control over its economic policy to supranational powers committed to reducing the world's population by billions of people.
In light of these facts, President Obama's remaining in the Presidency represents a clear and present danger to the United States, its citizens, and its Constitution. Constitutional means must be used to preventing him from carrying out these crimes.
We review below a series of counts, which could serve as an outline for a Bill of Impeachment, along with some of the evidence available, and some crucial precedents. Although potentially incomplete, and not in official legal form, each count should demonstrate the urgency of acting on LaRouche's initiative.
President Obama has conspired, and acted to carry out, through his promotion of his Hitler-modelled health care legislation, Crimes Against Humanity, by denial of medical care, and outright murder of large segments of the U.S. population.
As a leading convenor of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, and the international legal standards established thereby for the trials of Nazi leaders after the conclusion of World War II, the United States has subscribed, by treaty as well as by law, to the definition of Crimes Against Humanity utilized by that Tribunal. Article 6 of the Charter of the Tribunal defines Crimes Against Humanity as follows:
"murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population... whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated."
This standard was applied in Count Four of the Nuremberg indictment of Nazi major war criminals, the count of Crimes Against Humanity, under which 10 of the defendants were found guilty and sentenced to death, as follows:
"The murder and ill-treatment were carried out by divers means, including shooting, hanging, gassing, starvation, gross over-crowding, systematic under-nutrition, systematic imposition of labor tasks beyond the strength of those ordered to carry them out, inadequate provision of surgical and medical services, ...." (emphasis added)
That the health 'reform' legislation being pushed by the President will lead to denial of medical care is incontestable by anyone who is honest, and knowledgeable of the bills. The chief, stated purpose of the bills is to cut costs. The fundamental premise of both the House and the Senate bills is that the American public is "overutilizing" medical services which allegedly do not contribute to improving their health, and this "overutilization" should be eliminated in order to save money. The standard being set for determining "overutilization" is not directly specified, but implicitly, and sometimes explicitly, depends upon two parameters:
1) Experience shows that the percentage of people actually cured, or prolonged in life, by the medical treatment required, does not reach a certain threshold. This thinking, sold under the fancy name of Cost Effectiveness Research, was shockingly revealed in the infamous Mammogram decision taken by the Preventative Services Taskforce—which is specifically cited in the Senate bill as the agency to rate the need for coverage. While acknowledging that the decision to recommend against regular mammograms for women under 50, and for only biannual mammograms for others, would lead to more deaths, the taskforce decided it was "not enough deaths" to be worth the cost.
Such thinking precisely mimics that of the Nazi doctors, who were following out Hitler's prescription that there are people who have "lives not worthy of life," and they should be granted a mercy death.
2) The legislative framework presumes that if you are over a certain age, your health care simply costs too much money. Provisions, however, are being made for you to be able to "choose" a painless death, perhaps through the British-tried-and-tested system of deep sedation. While no explicit age limits are set in the bill, various measures are included that will permit, if not encourage, elderly people to decide to refuse treatment, and die.
The fact that the mandated reductions in the cost of medical care are targetted to occur within Medicare and Medicaid (to start)—the programs for the elderly and the poor and disabled—marks those populations as the chief targets for the genocide.
In addition to denying care to certain categories of the population, the new "reform" also contains numerous measures which will reduce the availability of medical and surgical facilities—by reducing reimbursements to those who cannot provide treatment cheaply enough, or at high enough "efficiency." This method, applied through Medicare and for-profit Health Maintenance Organizations (which will be the implementers of the new plan as well), has already resulted in the dramatic reduction in hospital facilities through the United States, as well as laboratory facilities which perform services such as imaging. The rate of reduction will increase under the new bill, especially including nursing homes which serve the aged, and by application of the same method to doctors, will result in a drastic decline in doctor availability as well.
Thus, under the bill Obama is pushing, Americans will be subject to denial of medical and surgical care, and death by starvation and malnutrition—all in the name of saving money. Tens of thousands will be slated for death.
For his action to commit this Crime Against Humanity, President Obama should be impeached.
President Obama has conspired, and acted to carry out, measures which, if carried out, would destroy the powers of the U.S. Congress, in favor of the Executive, thus overturning the lawful separation of powers provided for in the U.S. Constitution.
While there are clear indications that the President is considering unilateral actions, under the Hitlerian doctrine of the Unitary Executive, in several areas of policy, there is open evidence of his intent to exercise such powers through his so-called health care reform. We refer specifically to his personal insistence on the inclusion of an Independent Medical Advisory Board (or Commission) in the bill, which would dictate the terms on what medical procedures would be paid for, and how much for whom; and his additional insertion into the bill, that no Congress, present or future, be permitted to make changes in the decisions of the IMAB. The clear intent is to "remove decisions from politics"—i.e., remove Congress from decisions on health care spending altogether. Congress will be unable to make policy, and even a majority vote can't overturn the diktat.
Obama has personally, and obsessively, pressed for the IMAB provision since the summer of 2009, making it clear that its mandate is to cut medical spending. Described by Obama and his aides as a "panel of experts," the IMAB method echoes that of Hitler's "panel of experts" at Tiergarten-4, the center of the 1939-1941 euthanasia program under the Nazi regime, which panel reviewed paperwork on thousands of patients to one end—who should live, and who should die. There was no reprieve from the final decision of the top doctors who supervised the "experts" under Hitler—nor will there be one for those turned down by the "expert (shall we say death?) panels" set up by President Obama's health care bill. Mass murder by the stroke of a pen.
The attempt to prevent Congress from overturning the broad IMAB decisions, through the "in perpetuity" clause, in the Senate bill, further shows the murderous, dictatorial intent of the White House, which intervened, along with Senator Harry Reid, to insert this provision into the bill.
If the IMAB mandate cannot be overturned by a Congress, which is responsible for the health and welfare of its constituency, the result will be massive reductions in medical care, starting with Medicare and Medicaid. It was precisely to prevent such dictatorial action that the Founders of the United States, in their drafting of the Constitution, made the Congress, not the President, responsible for measures on spending, taxation, and the provision for the general welfare.
In this respect, President Obama is engaged in a conspiracy to overturn the Constitutional order of the United States, including the guarantee of a republican government.
For this high crime, President Obama should be impeached.
President Obama's actions around the Copenhagen Climate Summit demonstrate his intention to not only endorse the international depopulation policy of the British Monarchy, but to unconstitutionally commit the United States to implementing that policy.
The policy of the Obama Administration going into the Copenhagen summit, was a wholehearted embrace of the Green Genocide agenda being promoted by the British Monarchy, its agents, and its sycophants. That agenda calls for an attack on population itself, as the major "cause" of so-called Global Warming, in addition to reducing life-sustaining activities such as modern agriculture and industry, nuclear power, and major infrastructure projects. In addition, the British-sponsored program called for the establishment of an international governing (or policing) agency which would mandate and enforce measures to suppress such life-sustaining activity, over and above the decisions of sovereign governments.
As has been amply demonstrated elsewhere, such a "Green" agenda would result in rampant genocide, starting with the under-industrialized Third World, and expanding globally.
President Obama had no mandate from the Congress, or the American people, to embrace such an agenda. The Congress refused to pass his Climate Change legislation, or even the preceding treaty embodying the same idea, the Kyoto Protocol, of 1997. He had no power to cede authorities of the U.S. government, and the welfare of the U.S. population, to international authorities. In addition, leading Senators had warned the President to make no commitments to that agenda, because the Congress would never approve them.
In fact, the President was acting under the direction of a foreign power, the British Monarchy, in furtherance of an international scheme which would lead to the commitment of Crimes Against Humanity against both other nations, and the United States itself.
For this high crime, President Obama should be impeached.
President Obama, by his personal actions and those of his administration, has acted to destroy the United States economically, through commitments made to international agencies and powers, that would lead directly to the dissolution of the United States. These actions fall into the category of providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States, which makes them tantamount to treason.
The first indications that President Obama was acting to cede sovereignty of the United States occurred at the G-20 meeting in London in April, at which time the President agreed to a communique which implicitly moved in the direction of implementing the British scheme of making the International Monetary Fund a world government. In the name of providing for "fiscal expansion," the G20 endorsed printing $250 billion in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights, as a step toward dramatically increasing the reserves of the IMF. The promotion of SDRs is a step in the direction of replacing the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency, and giving power over creation of credit, internationally, to the supranational IMF.
President Obama had no mandate for such an action from the U.S. government. To the contrary, the U.S. Congress had blocked a previous IMF resolution to double its number of SDRs, because such an issuance would not be subject to the sovereignty of the United States.
Thus, once again, President Obama was acting at the behest of a foreign government, once again Great Britain, to the end of unconstitutionally yielding U.S. government control over currency to a supranational power. The successful ceding of such power would lead to the destruction of the United States, by giving life-or-death power over the United States to the enemy power located in the British imperial monetary system—in a manner similar to that ceded by the European nations to the European Union.
For this high crime, bordering on treason, President Obama should be impeached.

Friday, January 1, 2010

29th December 2009 Financial Crisis Is Looming in 2010!

We need to prepare for the reality to set in regarding the US Dollar. Since December 19th the actual US debt has risen by $15 TRILLION dollars. The Total US debt is about to hit $90 trillion dollars.
We need to prepare for the reality of DEPRESSION! The US dollar is doomed and forecast to fail. The chaos that will occur will never have been seen before as you will see the rise of prices to such a degree that you won't be able to afford the things in life that give you pleasure. Survival will be your priority for you and your family.
The dollar is doomed and cash is trash. Don't be fooled to put this issue off. If you have lots of cash in the bank- be wise and invest it in real money like silver or gold. Cash is TRASH!! Remember that! Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers,David Kiyosaki, Lyndon Larouche know what they are talking about and they agree the US dollar is finished. China and other countries want a new reserve currency and are getting out of dollars. The G20 have met and discussed this issue as a priority.
The average mum and dad investor will lose everything if they don't act soon. The 2009 rise in markets is only a bubble about to burst. Trillions of printed money has been flooded into the system but its only debt and its only made the scenario worse. The time will come when America will not be able to afford the repayments on the interest they owe. The debt cannot be paid back and will only climb to increasingly exponential levels. I hope this blog opens your eyes. Obama knows the seriousness of whats to come, and is preparing for a new invasion of 400 000 troops to control the swell of anarchy that is to arise when the dollar crashes. Prepare in 2010 for more 911 events and planned government "terrorism". We will be lied to and made to believe that a crash occured because of terrorist related events or a false viral outbreak. Obama has lied about repairing the USA- he has done nothing to curb inflation or the debt crisis instead he has signed away the USA sovereignty to the New Word Order in the name of "global warming" to tax the nations for living and fund their deaths for the believers of eugenics. We are on the verge of global economic dysfunction and disintegration and all I can say is pray and trust in God. Get rid of cash, invest it in silver or gold.


America Vote The Bum Out!! NOW!!

These quotes were before Obama was president.

Obama, son of a Kenyan father and American mother, spoke at a weekly constituent breakfast he sponsors with Illinois' other senator, Dick Durbin. He was asked about impeachment.

WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama laid out list of political shortcomings he sees in the Bush administration but said he opposes impeachment for either President George W. Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney.

Barack Obama said he would not back such a move, although he has been distressed by the "loose ethical standards, the secrecy and incompetence" of a "variety of characters" in the administration.

CAMPAIGN 2008: Barack Obama

"There's a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out," Barack Obama , US presidential candidate said, without naming Bush or Cheney. "That's how our system is designed."

The term for Bush and Cheney ends on Jan. 20, 2009. Bush cannot constitutionally run for a third term, and Cheney has said he will not run to succeed Bush.

Barack Obama, a Harvard law school graduate and former lecturer on constitutional law at the University of Chicago, said impeachment should not be used as a standard political tool.

"I think you reserve impeachment for grave, grave breaches, and intentional breaches of the president's authority," he said.

Today in 2010, is Barack Obama guilty of "grave, grave breaches of presidential authority"? YES!
Has he ever lied to to the voting public and put them in even more harms way? YES!!
Has he listened to warnings from reputable men ? NO!

"I believe if we began impeachment proceedings we will be engulfed in more of the politics that has made Washington dysfunction,"
We don't care Mr President, America should decide that, though its seems you don't believe they should have that right do you.


Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya

Ralph Nader- Obama should be impeached.

this video shows the reality of Americas growing distrust for thier "president".

Sign the Petition to Impeach Barack Obama