The actual debt: At the beginning of december 2009 it was $73 trillion.

The Fall Of The Republic - 2010


Impeach Obama 2012! Join the National Campaign.

Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record


2011 This Is What Recovery Looks Like

Obama's Spending Lie! 1st August.2011

Peggy Noonan on why Obama is a 'loser' [NBC 7-29-2011]

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The secret of Mr. Obama is that he isn't really very good at politics, and he isn't good at politics because he doesn't really get people.... Mr. Obama seemed brilliant at politics when he first emerged in 2004. He understood the nation's longing for unity. We're not divided into red states and blue, he said, we're Big Purple, we can solve our problems together. Four years later he read the lay of the land perfectly—really, perfectly.... The fact is, he's good at dismantling. He's good at critiquing. He's good at not being the last guy, the one you didn't like. But he's not good at building, creating, calling into being. He was good at summoning hope, but he's not good at directing it and turning it into something concrete that answers a broad public desire. And so his failures in the debt ceiling fight. He wasn't serious, he was only shrewd—and shrewdness wasn't enough. He demagogued the issue—no Social Security checks—until he was called out, and then went on the hustings spouting inanities. He left conservatives scratching their heads: They could have made a better, more moving case for the liberal ideal as translated into the modern moment, than he did. He never offered a plan. In a crisis he was merely sly. And no one likes sly, no one respects it. So he is losing a battle in which he had superior forces—the presidency, the U.S. Senate. In the process he revealed that his foes have given him too much mystique. He is not a devil, an alien, a socialist. He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser. Peggy Noonan

" The President thinks its all about him" July 29th 2011

The LIES of Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate! Many Questions Brought Up!

Can you say Impeachment...

NOW...Is It Time To IMPEACH Barack Obama?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Articles Of Impeachment.


Resolved, that Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:
Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Article I

In his conduct while President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has:
unlawfully exercised the authority of his office to take private property for public use in violation of the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees to the People that “private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation,” and without “due process of law”;
unlawfully interfered with the management of private companies for the purpose of achieving government control of them, in violation of the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
unlawfully interfered with the economic rights of the People by imposing unreasonable impairments in the fulfillment of their intended contractual obligations, and their ability to enter into such contracts, and attempting to change our fundamental economic system, where there is no significant or legitimate public purpose to do so.
In doing this, Barack Hussein Obama has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, Barack Hussein Obama, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.

Article II

In his conduct while President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, and to that end, through his subordinates and agents, has:
unlawfully engaged in a conspiracy to suppress evidence of the true place of his birth. This obstruction of justice has resulted in a violation of the Constitutional provision that a President of the United States must be a natural born citizen.
Unlawfully refused his assent to the Laws of the United States, and exercised false powers of veto that are contrary to Constitution.
In all of this, Barack Hussein Obama has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, Barack Hussein Obama, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.

If you agree with these articles, put your name behind the growing thousands who are fed up with the crimes and lies, and sign the petition. Together we can make our cry heard even in Washington

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Obama is disliked by Republicans and Democrats.

Feb 2 2010
Self-identified Republicans are more than unhappy with President Obama—63% think he’s a socialist—and a host of other social ills, says a survey commissioned by liberal blog Daily Kos. Regarding Obama, 39% of the 2,003 Republican respondents say the president should be impeached, 36% believe he was not born in the US, and 31% agreed that he is “a racist who hates white people.”

On social issues, 55% of respondents say gays shouldn’t be allowed to serve openly in the military, Politico notes, which is actually charitable considering 73% would like to ban openly gay teachers from teaching in public schools. Meanwhile, 77% oppose gay marriage, 68% oppose “any state or federal benefits” for gay couples, and 77% want creationism taught in schools. Of those surveyed, 83% plan to vote.

Nov 2010
Kesha Rogers, a Lyndon LaRouche follower and Democratic challenger to U.S. Rep. Pete Olson, R-Sugar Land, has been campaigning on a platform that starts with impeaching President Barack Obama.
Her campaign sent out a news release Friday calling on top members of the executive branch to relieve the president of his duties via the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, citing "numerous public displays of President Obama's ongoing psychological meltdown."
"Lyndon LaRouche warned you on April 11, 2009, that the narcissistic personality of President Obama would self-destruct. That is now happening, and so we must use the 25th Amendment, to get Obama out now, and save the nation. The Vice President must now act, the Senate and Congress must now act, to come back into session on an emergency basis, take the appropriate measures to keep Barack Obama safe from himself, and then deal with the hyperinflationary blowout of our Federal banking system."

March 20 2011

Dennis Kucinich wants Obama impeached over his Libya missile strikes. As the US military yesterday fired off dozens and dozens of Tomahawk missiles in an effort to destroy Libya’s air-defense systems, certain Democrats were using their time to explore other options. Specifically, during a Democrat Caucus conference call held yesterday afternoon, Dennis Kucinich was exploring how to get Barack Obama impeached. The conference call featured some of the most committed anti-war Democrats, and besides Kucinich, Maxine Water, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jerrold Nadler, and Mike Capuano were also participants. As a group, these Democrats are bitter about Obama’s refusal to first consult with the US Congress before ordering military action, and also about the constitutionality of the missile strikes.

The conference call was organized by Representative John Larson, who has been vocal about Obama’s need to first get congressional approval before he commits the US to any military operation that involves any strikes against the Libyan dictator. This situation fascinates me to no end because of a few reasons. One, it demonstrates the party rift in the Democrat Party, which may well cause problems for Obama in 2012. Two, it is the epitome of irony, I think, that George W. Bush—as you know, ruthlessly scathed by Democrats and liberals for going to war without authority and all that BS—actually obtained a joint resolution from Congress in 2002 before he started the military liberation in Iraq! And now, Obama is basically launching an illegal war in Libya—at least in that context of failing to get congressional authorization—and all the screwball liberals and most Democrats are going along with Obama’s illegal war! Hahaha…what a bunch of hypocritical clowns!

At least, and I hate to be fair here, Kucinich is consistent in his anti-war fervor. He wanted to impeach Bush several years ago—when he didn’t have a valid reason because of the joint resolution that authorized force in Iraq—and now he wants to impeach Obama. That’s more than can be said about the Democrat “leadership.” That liar to end all liars, Nancy Pelosi, is on board with Obama’s basically illegal war in Libya, yet she had the cojones to condemn Bush for his “illegal” war in Iraq! Harry Reid, too, is going along with Obama’s illegal war in Libya (by the context of his failure to get congressional approval), which proves that Democrats are nothing but a bunch of two-faced hypocrites who will always change their positions if their guy is doing the same thing they condemned a Republican president fo

Posted By James Hood

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Nobel Peace Prize?

Here we go again, the US has embarked on yet another war under the hypocritcal leadership of Barack Obama. The man everyone painted as a war hero, a Nobel winner for peace has just fired the first misile at Libya.

He has justified himself by calling it a joint effort under UN sanctions but Obama will not relent, Gadaffi must be made to step down or suffer...such a "Nobel man" of peace.

Will we ever see again a nation stand against war? Is the United Nations just a bullying club? "You do what we want or you'll suffer?" Is the United Nations about peace or about more war? I has anything ever been solved through war? Obama the "peacemaker" must know this...surely?

I feel for the citizens of Libya.

I also feel the anger of many US citizens so sick and tired of their own men coming home in coffins and their hard earned money being wasted for yet another unessesary war. Much blood has been spilt,and yet governments forget, the people never forget and consequences will fall where they must.

You want war Obama? Then you have chosen the fate of millions in the US.The day will come of reckoning and their blood will be on your hands.You are feeding the very monster you are trying to destroy.

Whether or not this war is really about oil is beside the point, moral good I believe is the issue but it seems it does not exist anymore, the US stand is for more war and tyrany by their own actions, nothing more moral than Gadaffi himself.

I hope I am wrong.

I hope peace occurs but why do I know it won't. War is a result of war, peace from peace.History is how we know this. Many more will die needlessly, such precious resources are wasted and squandered for vengence and dictatorship.

If we believe Barack Obama is right in doing what he has done then we are supporting yet another corrupt and divergent government in the UN. It's clear to me, their goal is NOT peace, but dictatoral control over everything we earn,buy,make, eat, and even breath, by taxing the earth for 'carbon output' and other immeasurable and unprovable ,supposedly dangerous, natural occurances that we are to be blamed for, and so taxed. With that money, do you really believe it will go towards the environmental claptrap (spoonfull of cowshit) we have all been encouraged to swallow as "saving the planet"?-No they need money for their next wave of government control.

The UN is just one conduit for the sickness of mind that exists in the elite few.

Druids of sorcery and satanism that sit in high places rule over governments, banks and corporations making fun of the people, mocking them as slaves(through taxes)and by abusing the laws they set up. They profit through theft and market manipulation, they toy with inflation and currencies. They delight in the unfairness of capitalism and the exploitation of the poor. Barack Obama is no different to these barbarians of bloody mindedness.In all his time as president the debt of the US has soared.

The statistics are depressing.

His "worldsaving" bailouts commonly called QE1 and QE2 (quantative easing) have been nothing but a golden handshake for banks and corporations. Even MacDonalds recieved billions of dollars, but why?

I ask who in the next 200 years will be able pay that money back in taxes?


The debt per US taxpayer now is $128,313. US DEBT =Total liabilities is $113 Trillion dollars. Obama has spent and wasted more money now than ALL the presidents combined and I would say really he has just allowed it, because he has to do what he is told too. His speaches are spineless rhetoric read from teleprompters. His words are passionless and cold. Where is his hatred for injustice for the people when he knows the debt ceiling is being raised again and the people as a result are being pushed closer and closer over into a dept abyse?

Lets face the truth, Obama is no leader for the sort of change we were hoping for. He isn't anything of the sort.

If he was one he would bring real change for good. He would make the debt his first issue and cull down the size of government, not increase it. He would remove soldiers from wars overseas as he promised and he would lower taxes on US businesses to increase employment. Its 6th grade economics.

Today 24 MILLION Americans today are unemployed.

Also, one house in 17 is EMPTY due to foreclosures and yet do we see the government trying to change course....NO! We start another war, we do another bailout, we keep printing worthless currency and drive America into depression... which is the likely outcome.

There is no doubt anymore, America is headed for DEPRESSON.

It'll be a scenario like this...continued bailouts by the FED,increased wars.=increased debt.. $200 a barrel for oil ( fuel crisis), food crisis,another 2008 market crash..but worse, more bailouts...millions of home foreclosures, retail/ commercial property crash, mass homelessness, tent cities everywhere,high inflation, civil war (inside America) and then Martial Law... all this occurring in a global depression over the next 10 years. The one world order( new world government)will be in plain sight,dollar crash, new world currency , world bank....the list goes on... none of it is good, but I believe its the 'change'Obama was elected (chosen) to bring in. He won't be the last of his kind and he is just one puppet among many. But one that must be held accountable, along with Bush and Cheney.

Obama knows whats going on.

He knows the outcome the elite want to achieve and he also wants to see the utopian vision (like Hitler had )of a one world government and its 'unified' global agenda.

It will fail, but many may die by it's evil hand I am sorry to say, because they have the chess pieces in position and we are being set up for check-mate because we lay about watching the simpsons and are lazy, uninformed and unprepared.If we don't prepare ourselves, perhaps we deserve what is coming apon us all.

In finish we must not see Obama as a man of peace, he is nothing of the sort.

Impeach Barack Obama
(Only in Jesus Christ is there true peace.)

Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya

Ralph Nader- Obama should be impeached.

this video shows the reality of Americas growing distrust for thier "president".

Sign the Petition to Impeach Barack Obama